Inspired by George Washington Carver, After the Peanut was created in 2014. After the Peanut is a solution driven company, focusing on the power of knowledge and education in the face of adversity and challenge. The core foundation is to transform communities by increasing equity in K-12 STEAM education. This is accomplished by providing innovative, forward thinking, and real world experiences.

November 10, 2021 afterthepeanut No Comments

Ready, Set, Grow With After The Peanut

November 10, 2021 After The Peanut presents Lil Ag’ University. Lil Ag’ University is a STEAM program designed to help students in 4th-8th grade learn about urban agriculture through year-round, hands-on, engaging activities. The program is virtual and includes the following: 1. Receive a dynamic agriculture kit full of supplies and materials to grow food at home. 2. Join us in a members only area on where you can post pictures to show off how your plants are growing 3. Download our digital workbook to keep you on track with growing your plants. 4. Be eligible to attend Spring 2022 exclusive field trip for Lil Ag University members only. 5. Win weekly prizes by posting on Facebook or Instagram and tagging @afterthepeanut.